
US Arms Exports Increased by 48.85% in 2022

In the fiscal year 2022, US arms exports and defense trade surged significantly. According to data from the State Department, direct sales of military equipment by American companies rose 48,6 percent to an astonishing $153,7 billion, while government-regulated sales of similar items increased a staggering 49,1% compared to that same period one year ago – hitting an impressive $51,9 billion in total.

Total Export Amount Over $205 Billion.

In the 2022 fiscal year, US exports of military equipment skyrocketed by a staggering 48,85%, amassing an astonishing total of 205,6 billion dollars! The prior year alone brought in 138,2 billion – with particular sales comprising $13,9 billion worth of F-15ID fighter jets to Indonesia, $6,9 billion worth of multi-mission surface combatants to Greece, and $6 billion worth of convoys consisting of M1A2 Abrams tanks sent off to Poland.

US arms

Arms Deals Are an Important Part of US Foreign Policy.

Over the same timeframe, the U.S. government granted $3.05 billion of Patriot missiles to Saudi Arabia, offered Kuwait a National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAM) worth $3 billion, and CH-47F Chinook helicopters valued at $2.6 billion for Egypt’s use. Furthermore, it approved the sale of its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) System and helicopters to the United Arab Emirates in an agreement amounting to $2.3 billion!

The US State Department has expressed that arms exports and defense trade are necessary components of American international diplomacy, with permanent ramifications for both regional and global stability. 

Both private companies and the US government may act as suppliers when a foreign government desires to buy military equipment from America; however, all transactions must receive authorization from the US before going through.

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Armaan Khatri

I'm Armaan Khatri, a financial writer, editor, and market analyst. A former VP and market risk advisor worken in India at Citizens Financial Group. Have more than 15 years of financial services experience that also includes personal finance, personal banking, IRAs, and retirement services.

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