
Antis Inu Price Prediction

Antis Inu price predictions for 2023, 2025, and 2030 based on technical analysis, with a maximum price level of $0.00011464 by 2030.

Antis Inu aims to establish a fresh benchmark for development and management in the realm of memecoins, with a focus on generating actual worth and sustainability within an ecosystem that is predominantly dependent on the network effect.

Antis Inu Current Price

Current price of Antis INU (ANTIS) is currently traded from $0.000008246, %1.33 up d/d. Current market cap of ANTIS INU is $412.194, ranked 3891st according to Coinmarketcap. The 24H trading volume is $54.703 today.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2023

Our technical analysis predicts that in 2023, the ANTIS price will cross an average price level of $0.00000722. The expected minimum price value of ANTIS INU by the end of the current year should be $0.00000694. Moreover, ANTIS can reach a maximum price level of $0.00000845.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2024

Based on the analysis of forecast data, ANTIS is predicted to surpass the $0.0000186 mark, and it is expected to reach a minimum price of $0.0000181 by the end of the year. Furthermore, there is potential for the ANTIS price to reach a maximum level of $0.0000189.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2025

Our technical analysis predicts that in 2025, the ANTIS price will cross an average price level of $0.00001553. The expected minimum price value of ANTIS INU by the end of the current year should be $0.00001501. Moreover, ANTIS can reach a maximum price level of $0.00001761.

Antis Inu Price Prediction

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2026

Based on data analysis, the price of ANTIS is expected to exceed $0.0000339, and it is predicted to reach a minimum price of $0.0000323 by the end of the year. Additionally, the maximum potential level for the ANTIS price is estimated to be $0.0000344.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2027

According to the analysis of forecast data, it is expected that the price of ANTIS will exceed $0.0000291, and by the end of the year, the minimum expected fee for ANTIS INU is $0.0000282. Additionally, the maximum potential level for the ANTIS price is estimated to be $0.0000295.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2028

Based on the analysis of forecast data, it is predicted that the price of ANTIS will exceed $0.0000417. By the end of the year, ANTIS INU is expected to have a minimum fee of $0.0000397. Additionally, the ANTIS price has the potential to reach a maximum level of $0.0000453.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2029

According to the analysis of forecast data, it is predicted that the price of ANTIS will surpass $0.0000576. By the end of the year, the minimum expected fee for ANTIS INU is $0.0000568. Furthermore, the potential maximum level for the ANTIS price is estimated to be $0.0000625.

ANTIS INU (ANTIS) Price Prediction 2030

Our technical analysis predicts that in 2030, the ANTIS price will cross an average price level of $0.00009672. The expected minimum price value of ANTIS INU by the end of the current year should be $0.00009403. Moreover, ANTIS can reach a maximum price level of $0.00011464.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price
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Asher Tame

Hi there! My name is Asher, and I'm a Finance Editor based in Canada. I'm passionate about all things finance and have spent years honing my skills in the industry. I graduated from the Master of Finance program at the University of Toronto, which provided me with a strong foundation in financial theory and practice. Since then, I've worked in a variety of finance-related roles, including as a financial analyst and a financial advisor. These experiences have given me a deep understanding of the industry and a keen eye for detail. As a Finance Editor, I'm responsible for overseeing the financial content produced by my team of writers. I work closely with them to ensure that our articles are accurate, insightful, and relevant to our readers. I'm committed to providing our readers with the information they need to make informed decisions about their finances.

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